Why church membership? When we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we become part of God’s family across the world. Albert Road is a local gathering of this worldwide Church in Oswestry. Our job is to glorify God by sharing in worship and witness together in our neighbourhood. Joining a local church roots us in a family of fellow Christians, in the Gospel of Christ and in the love of God itself. We can then enjoy love and care, Bible teaching and prayer, and the chance to serve one another too.
At Albert Road we use a formal membership system to help us make decisions, share responsibility and be accountable to one another in love. We see it as part of our commitment to God’s family here. It is written into our legal constitution and helps us operate as a charity. Church membership is open to anyone who wants to make that commitment. No one is discriminated against on the basis of their age, nationality, gender or social background. Nor do we insist people wait a fixed amount of time before applying. However, membership comes with certain expectations and responsibilities.
Our expectations If you are interested in becoming a church member, we expect you already to..:
Worship regularly with us;
Know the Lord Jesus Christ in your life as God and Saviour;
Accept the authority of the Bible as supreme over your life and the life of our church;
Be living out your new life in Christ in repentance and faith.
How the process works If that description fits you, then please speak to the Pastor or one of the Trustees. One of us will arrange a time to come and visit you – in order to answer any questions you may have and hear more of your own story of faith. At the next church members’ meeting, we will then normally recommend that you be welcomed into membership. Once they have formally given you their support, we can arrange this for a convenient Sunday morning service soon after.
Your responsibilities As a church member, your role will be to…:
Continue worshipping regularly with us;
Take part in church activities;
Pray and read the Bible on your own;
Join in Communion services;
Use the unique talents God has given you to serve Him within our fellowship and in outreach;
Attend and take part in church members’ meetings, treating their content as confidential;
Support the church financially according to your resources.
Our commitment We are committed to helping you hold on to Jesus and to hold out His love to others. Your progress and joy in your faith matters to us. That is why we want to help you grow both through worship and teaching, as well as through opportunities to put your faith into action. And if you think there is something we can do to help others hold on to Jesus or hold out His love better, we’re ready to listen.